Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Reflection #SpCP13

Why is reflection important to PE teachers and students?

Both teachers and students gain substantial advantages through conducting the process reflection. Reflection has the ability to determine the effectiveness of PE teachers methods and practices and evaluation of the students; skills, knowledge and performance. Reflection has the ability to determine the future procedures.

According to Katie Charner-Laird who is a principal at Lincoln-Eliot school in Newton states that encouraging students to pause and think about what they're leaning and why it is relevant to their lives is critical. Katie describles reflection as " the mind's strongest glue for making the connections essential to understanding, regardless of the subject matter".

Teachers can use a variety of media including bogs and audio interviews to encourage and capture reflection. The goal of allowing 5-10 minutes at the end of every lesson for reflection is to encourage students to begin to reflect more frequently and naturally in their day to day lives.

In society today, the advancement of technology allows reflection to be tedious and time intensive. There are many questions teachers can ask PE students during reflection time:
What did you learn?
How do you know you learned it?
What got in the way of your learning?
What helped your learning?
How did you feel?

Taking time to reflect enables students to analyse their perfomance of a particular skill, allows students to determine their positives and negatives and highlights how to improve for the next opportunity. Reflection can assist in increasing student motivation to perform better.

Ultimately, reflection has several benefits to both PE students and teachers and should be implemented in every session whether it is practical or theoretical.

What Works in Education. 2013. High Tech Reflection Strategies Make Learning Stick. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 May 13].

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