After doing some reading, it has come to my attention that high schools are sacrificing physical education to provide more time for academics.
It is only 2.1% of high schools that offer students daily physical education. A reduction in physical activity creates risks in a student's health, as it keeps students active decreasing the risk of obesity which is one of the mostr serious health issues.
It is disappointing to see that physical education is viewd as a non-essential and needed and schools are reducing the time allocated to physical education to 30 minutes per day.
It has been proven that academic performance is not affected by the time allocated for physical education, therefore, why cut it down?
Researchers in Australia studied 350 5th graders in seven schools throughout the country. They increased instructional time for physical education for some studen by 210 minutes per week. After 14 weeks, there was no significant differences in maths or reading skills between studends who recieved additional physical education and those who contribute to 30 minutes per week.
It is believed that being physically active and fit youth are more likely to have better grades and test score than the inactive students. Aerobic exercise can improve memory and executive functioning in school-age youth and especially those who are overweight.
Physical education significantly improves perceptual skills, concentration, memory and achievement, and giving students a break for physical education throughout the school day increases on-task behvaiour.
Given all the benefits proven with students involvement in physical education and no proven results to say that physical activiy harms academic achievements, then why are school curiculum's cutting down physical education times in school? There is no proof or reason behind it?
I believe it serves many benefits and is enjoyed by many students and stimulates the mind and should not be cut down as it is as equal as important as maths.