Saturday, 6 April 2013

Personal Develpment Pathways #SpCP13

I believe personal development pathways need to be considered as a teacher teaching physical education. Teachers themselves need to recognise their own development pathways first before considering the students pathways.


Teachers need to consider their long and short term goals of teaching. Teachers always need to look for improvements to develop more efficient skills in their teaching programs. Teachers need to develop quality communication to interact with students, that its, the ability to present knowledge, ideas, and opinions effectively. I also believe teachers need to ensure they acquire and develop appropriate analysis skills to have the ability to gather information and situations in a creative way in a physical education class. Another personal development aspect teachers need to acquire is problem solving skills, as teachers need to learn the ability to identify and analyse problems and result with an appropriate solutions in the classroom. To acquire these important skills, I believe teachers need to prepare goals for development within themselves.


The National Coaching Foundation (2011) supports my belief, it provides a guide of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and a Personal Development Plan (PDP) process, this provides many benefits for teachers such as:

·         Provides clarity of teachers goals

·         Helps to raise current and future development needs in order to support the desired goals (for example, formal training or informal development opportunities).


1st Step – Goal Setting

Teachers need to set their personal long-term development goals through using the SMART checklist.

Specific – precise, what is it that you as a teacher want to achieve?

Measurable – can the teacher monitor progress?

Achievable – is it achievable within the time frame?

Realistic – is the goal challenging while still practical?

Time – make it time-framed


2nd Step – TNA Process

·         Setting the framework for the TNA

·         Identify what knowledge, skills, and attributes are needed to achieve the personal long-term development goals

·         Self-reflect on current strengths and areas for development.

·         Rating of knowledge, skills, and attributes.


3rd Step – Understanding PDP Process

·         Set or review long-term development goals

·         TNA based on current and future needs

·         Development plan – current teaching and future teaching needs

·         Ongoing teaching practice

·         Reviewing of development

·         Appraisal.


I believe this resource supports my belief of the necessary action to conduct development programs to ensure that the teaching is the most effective and improving at all stages.


“Know who you are, and be it. Know what you want, and go out and get it” – Caroll Bryant.


Sports Coach UK. 2013. A Guide to using Training Needs Analysis and Personal Development Plans. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 April 13].

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